Incident Report: Delay in joining meetings.
Date and Time: 27th Aug 12:50 UTC to 27th Aug 13:50 UTC
Affected Service: Meeting Service (Meeting Join)
Issue: Meeting join requests were taking more than 5 seconds to be processed, causing SDKs to constantly retry until a join succeeded under 5 seconds. This resulted in joins taking 1-2 minutes to resolve.
Root Cause: There was a delay in receiving confirmations from RabbitMQ, caused a bottleneck in the message publishing flow. This led to slow publishing of responses to RabbitMQ, even though messages were processed in time.
Resolution: A mitigation was pushed to the service using RabbitMQ code to make writing to the confirmation channel asynchronous and log timing for each operation.
Impact: Users experienced significant delays in joining sessions, with join times extending up to 1-2 minutes. This affected the user experience and potentially disrupted scheduled meetings or sessions.
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